Cinnamon Dots

Food, Drink, Life

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blueberry Delight

I hope everyone had a good holiday!

While at the grocery store not too long ago, a purple container caught the husband's eye. He's been on a big blueberry kick as of late. Don't get me wrong, I like blueberries, but apparently not as much as he does.

He found a natural unsweetened applesauce that has been mixed with blueberry puree, and it is only 1 point per cup. Surprisingly it isn't too sweet, and the blueberry is a nice touch. The handy cup size is also really nice, and makes them perfect for a quick breakfast or snack. And they also work great when you are on the go.

Now for me, I prefer the plain ol' applesauce. The occasional blueberry applesauce wouldn't be bad, but not an everyday thing. But for the husband on the other hand, blueberry is king :)


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